This Code of Conduct covers the activities of Ranelagh Ltd and all their staff, consultants and advisers in relation to all United Kingdom, English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland central, regional and local government bodies and agencies, public bodies and political parties.
This Code applies equally to all clients, whether or not fee-paying. The principles of the Code are high levels of integrity and profession standards. As a company, and as individuals, we will apply the highest professional standards in the service of all our clients. We also subscribe to the PRCA Public Affairs Code of Conduct.
In interpreting this code of conduct, the laws of the land will prevail.
- We will not act for organisations whose policies or objectives are discriminatory and defamatory and if we become aware that a client has broken the law or acted in a discriminatory manner, we reserve the right to cease any work for said client.
- We will not claim to have privileged access to any elected representative or charge a fee in relation to any meetings or contact with elected representatives.
- We will not compel any member of staff to work on an account that represents a conflict of personal moral or religious interest.
- We will remain politically neutral when representing clients.
- On beginning their employment at Ranelagh, all staff will be provided with the Code of Conduct, so that they can read and understand the implications of conformity. They will have access to advice when necessary and are encouraged to raise any concerns with a Director.
- Many clients have concerns about the confidentiality of their business. They can remain assured that knowledge of their business gained by Ranelagh will not be disclosed to a third party and will only be used for the work for which Ranelagh has been contracted.
- We will preserve the integrity of the information we acquire, maintaining its state of confidentiality.
The advice we dispense shall be fair and balanced, including alternative options to ensure that clients make informed decisions.
- It is acceptable to facilitate meetings and networking with reasonable hospitality or to offer seasonal gifts. However, Ranelagh Ltd will not offer anything which could be misconstrued as inappropriate or an inducement, particularly when dealing with elected members, their advisers or public officials.
- We shall never arrange events with Parliamentarians or public officials where attendance at such an event is dependent on payment of an entry fee or charge.
- We shall not employ any sitting elected representative or Peer.
- We shall always conduct ourselves in a professional manner, with due regard for recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life and complying with all rules of institutions visited.
- We shall not attempt to pass off the company or ourselves as being any other organisation for the purpose of gaining access to an individual or organisation.
- We shall always identify our clients and ourselves at the earliest opportunity when conducting and communicating with an elected representative or public official, or any person acting on behalf of an elected official.
- Any conflicts of interest shall be reported to a Director as soon as possible.
- Where a conflict of interest does occur, we shall speak to all concerned immediately and either proceed with permission of all parties, or resign one account